Peeling of the skin to get rid of roughness and hair using household items

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dkhol tchof

D.kajjoun- a problem roughness of the skin due to the accumulation of dead cells, or the presence of small grains resulting from hair  under the skin facing most men and women, and are available in the market types Mtadhh of skin, but each contains material harsh on the skin, in addition to high prices,the following are cited peeling methods using materials available at home.
1 - for peeling face and neck: Use 3 tablets of any kind of painkillers containing paracetamol (umrah Ravannin ...) and Zoppea using a few drops of water to form a paste, then rub the skin in a circular motion for two minutes (you can add a little cleaner skin to facilitate the distribution putty on the skin).

2 - legs and hands peeling especially the elbows and knees: Add a small amount of half a tablespoon of salt, and after the completion of showers rubbed the skin in a circular motion, then rinse and dry and painted . Three times a week.

3 - peeling face and different areas of the body: moisten the skin with water by a cloth, then painted with olive oil, then rubbed by sugar for half a minute, then rinse with warm water. Once a week.


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