Abnormal discharge from the nipple

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dkhol tchof

D. Mandated advocacy

A means of exit from one or both nipples breast, and increase the likelihood that the progress of a woman's age, and increasing the number of loads.

Although for this case is very rare among men, or women who have never pregnancy, but it may occur, caused by disease, especially when it is accompanied by changes in the breast.

It is common among women who became pregnant one or more times, and the emergence of natural secretions Yellow  in the last weeks of pregnancy.

The nature of secretions in the color, density, composition, and may appear on one side of the chest or in both.

"Witch's milk" is a term used to describe the secretions from the teat of the newborn. It is a temporary thing in response to increased levels of female hormones mother. It should disappear in a matter of weeks when the minimum levels of hormones in the newborn.
And secretions can contain blood or pus, depending on the cause of the formation.

Brain tumor
• a small growth in the breast
• breast abscess common among women during breastfeeding)
• Breast Cancer
• fibrous cystic changes in the breast
• Injuries to the breast
• angina drug use certain types of medications, including birth control pills, antidepressants,

• milk pipeline expansion

Should see a doctor in case of abnormal secretions, and must note the following things

1 - Are you pregnant?

2 - Are you breastfeeding?

3 - What secretions color?

4 - Do you like milk secretions?

5 - Is there blood?

6 - Do you like pus?

7 - Do you graduated secretions from one breast of both?

8 - What is the amount of secretions? Is a spot or sink your underwear or your shirt?

9 - Do you check your breasts before? How many times?

10 - What types of medicines that ?

11 - Are there other symptoms improve, such as: fever, changes in menstrual cycle, chest pain, a mass in the chest, headache, change in vision.
The doctor will examine the hormone prolactin, and the hormone Altheroad, and the study of cells nipple discharge, performs some tests, such as:
Biopsy of the breast in the case of a lump in the breast
Stratified central image of head
Chest X-ray Mammography
Chest X-ray ultrasound Turasaund the


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