Behavior modification techniques mistaken for a child

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dkhol tchof

The amendment to the wrong behaviors for children are many methods, including:
Negative practice, where the child is asked to when  for unwanted behavior that will perform the same behavior continuously specified period of time to become so distasteful and disturbing behavior for a child who tired to repeat again,

It also can be modify the behavior of young people by changing the exciting including means to change and modify the environmental conditions that occur where the behavior of the child is not orthodoxy.

And behaviors can be modified through deprivation, where the child is deprived of access to something when he wants undesirable behavior,

Could also be directed punishment for a small measure works to weaken and stop this behavior, but this method must be  must know the parents when and how and with whom it is used punishment, Vahmd for example, keeps on punishment unlike Muhammad, who leads him impunity to increase the unwanted behavior, it may be punishment, "myself," Kaltanep or be or movements and facial expressions, gestures, etc., may be physical punishment such as beating, although it is preferred to use a lot, but when they fail all previous methods, and also should not hurt the child or reflects its effects negatively on the behavior is either for stubbornness and persistence behavior and be here to promote not punishment


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