Causes of vaginal secretions

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dkhol tchof

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Vaginal discharge is normal occurrence and vary the amount and thickness of secretions from time to time depending on the hormonal changes in a woman's body. Before ovulation, the mucus secretions, and dramatically increase after ovulation. Water and become elastic in nature during that period.

There is no need to worry about these secretions unless these secretions turned into a yellow or green color, in the form of blocks, or an unpleasant odor.

Vaginal secretions types:

Vaginal secretions types:

1 - mucous secretions transparent means of ovulation, and increases with movement and exercise.

2 - thick white discharge, accompanied by itching means yeast infection.

3 - yellow or green means infection, especially if it is in the form of blocks or smell bad.

4 - structure occur immediately after the menstrual cycle and this is a cleaning of the vagina from the blood.

5 - red secretions / structure can appear in the middle of the session and sometimes when a pregnancy can be a splatter of blood or secretions structure in the appointment of a regular session (so-called sign of pregnancy).

If you experience any of the following symptoms you should see your doctor:

• Pain

• itching

• harassment

• rash or blisters (coincide or do not coincide) with vaginal secretions

In general, there are several factors that may affect the occurrence of secretions such as: age, types of treatment used by women, the incidence of diabetes, sexual activity. Contraceptive use, exposure to sexual violence by a husband.


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