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Best to deal with the frustration and despair can follow the following tips according to the human development expert Ahmed diaspora:
1 - Do not listen to the words of frustrated even though they are frequent around you, no matter objectives were difficult to reach Vqutea lies in faith بذاتك and trust in yourself, and your insistence to defy the odds and circumstances and capabilities will make you impossible.
2 - hoping your goals well and draw a path for your thoughts and start implementation though enough for the honor of the attempt failed and your life is valuable.
3 - Fantasy is actually who makes, there thoughts whatsoever.
4 - Treat others as you would be done well and watch your words were always a platform for the elevation of others.
5 - disregarding the words of frustration and discouragement, there is not impossible and Create from the imagination of today the future of tomorrow, what made humans as well as computer which has the plane making a human being, and human space rose and you are also a human being.
As an example to deal with the frustration group of frogs that were jumping traveling between the forest and suddenly occurred Dvdatan in a deep well, then gathered audience frogs around the well, and when he saw how deep the well shouted public
Baldvdotain two at the bottom that their condition hopeless and there is no point of trying, and ignored Aldvdatan those comments, and tried to get out of it well, whatever Oteta of strength and energy; continued public frogs cheering them that
Ttoagafa from trying because they Mattan inevitably, and finally surrendered one Aldvdotain what he was saying the public and solve their fatigue anddespair; fell to the bottom of the well is dead , and the frog's other continued to jump in full force, and continued audience frogs to shout out asking them to put an end to the pain and give in to her judgment; but it took jump faster and stronger until I got to the edge and into the outside center of everyone's surprise.
He added "when he asked her audience frogs:
Turks did not be hear Saahana?!,
Frog explained to them that she had for some function that you think it was in the well they to accomplish the task of serious all the time.
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